[copied from my old Myspace blog]
Here’s a couple dispatches from the October front. Stephen Mark Rainey and I were table mates at the Book Em book fair in Waynesboro, VA, last weekend. Here I am practicing my customer service skills:
We were also panelists on the “Road to Publication” panel, where we spent most of our time railing against the evils of self-publishing. Here, I guess we’re laughing with condescending politeness at something said by an audience member. Meanwhile, a halo of eyeballedness hovers around my head. Aren’t we just awesome.
And finally, last night, Deena and I got into our Halloween getups:
My, grandma, what big hairy arms you have.
It’s hard to see in the photo, but I’m wearing big wolf ears and antique glasses. I also wore Deena’s house slippers, which made me walk funny–I suppose like a wolf up on his hind legs.