Obviously Opinionated is a new pop culture website run by Tara Kolsrud. Her inaugural book review is of THE SEVENTH EQUINOX (“The Seventh Equinox is so much more than just the classic tale of good vs. evil”), and right below it is a new Q&A with me.
Is it just me, or are these interviews getting harder? Among other things, she asked, “Do you have an ultimate goal in your writing? A certain place where you will feel like you have reached exactly what you intended?” Um . . .
Meanwhile, thanks to all the other bloggers who’ve helped roll out the new book trailer. These include T.K. Toppin, Mary Sutton, Micael Chadwick, Heidi Ruby Miller, Jason Jack Miller, the Augusta Free Press, and Mollie Cox Bryan.
Until the book ships Nov. 6, preorders from the publisher receive $2 off. Go forth!