Opinion Piece Generator

The March 2008 edition of my Horror World column, “Author’s Notes,” featured a Mad Libs-style game. It’s no longer at that website, so here it is for you to enjoy all over again!


Below, you’ll find a form with several questions to answer. When you hit the “Write My Column!” button, it will go to my patented Opinion Piece GeneratorTM and spit out an opinion column written by a very important person: you! Once you’re done, try it again! With different tones to choose from and some paragraph randomizers, there’s fun in store for the whole family. So whaddya waiting for?


  1. Your name (for your byline):
  2. Your favorite genre:
  3. Your profession:
  4. Name 3 authors and their genders:
             Author 1:     This author is a:
             Author 2:     This author is a:
             Author 3:     This author is a:
  5. Name two book titles:
             Book 1:
             Book 2:
  6. Name an animal:
  7. Name a body part (plural):
  8. Name a famous street:
  9. Name a foreign country:
  10. Name a color:
  11. Name a term of endearment (e.g., dear, Snookums):
  12. Type of dwelling you live in:
  13. Name your favorite food (singular):
  14. Enter a number between 2 and 5:
  15. Enter a number between 25 and 50:
  16. Select the tone for your column: