“Where We Work” Essay About My Workspace in HWA Newsletter

The October issue of the Horror Writers Association Newsletter contains my short essay in the “Where We Work” column, describing my workspace.

The newsletter is only for HWA members, but not all of you are members to have access. Conveniently, I’m good friends with the author Matthew Warner, who gave me permissions to reprint the essay here. Enjoy:

My office

Here is a timelapse video I made of myself working on No Outlet, a novella for Thunderstorm Books, in 2011: https://youtu.be/2wm6f8TJ5hg.

These days, I still sit in the office, but I’ve supplemented the laptop with a gigantic monitor on my desk, plus a spare large-screen TV set on the wall. Those help a lot in my daytime job as a Web-site designer.

For writing, though, I’ve lately preferred an old-school approach. This photo is from February. Aside from the kitty “helper” named Moody, I like the freedom of writing longhand on a legal pad. I have to write damn early in the morning—between 5:30 and 6:30—but it’s a nice time to create from a still mind. All that’s blown to hell, of course, when I take a coffee break to read the newspaper.

Matthew’s website