My Favorite, 5-Star Books
Discussion of Replay, Fireflies, Ready Player One, and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Discussion of Replay, Fireflies, Ready Player One, and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Because of this experience — after the way she has been humiliated by her boss and subjected to nonstop ad hominem attacks online — I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Mollie Bryan quit her gig with this newspaper.
It was ruined by a director who wanted to leave his tripod at home. What a shame.
Curmudgeonry in the latest Cemetery Dance issue
A review of Duane Hahn’s final book, finished on the day he died.
I’ve come across a lot of boring crap that has received literally millions of views.
The story and its characters ultimately don’t have a soul, and neither does this book.
It shows, again and again, that we’re not smart enough or athletic enough to solve our problems without pills.
There should be a statute of limitations on spoilers.